Take a moment. Try to picture yourself after life on earth. You know what I mean, life after death…. Having trouble? It’s only natural that you should. You and I have no context in which to consider it. Most likely, however, when you try to picture life after death it looks very unlike the resurrection life that is depicted in the accounts of the New Testament. The fact is that most of us while believing in the resurrection of Jesus have hard time imagining what life after resurrection really is. Many of us believe we turn into angels. Others and maybe most of us see ourselves as some sort of “misty moisty” creatures more like ghosts than resurrected humans. The fact is when we come right down to it we have a stronger belief in perpetuity than in resurrection. Join us this week as we consider what real resurrection life is as revealed in the story of the one whose resurrection was the harbinger of our own!
[audio:https://hopespringsathens.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/24.mp3|titles=Perpetuity or Resurrection?]