Author: Lee McNeil

It Is Enough

Do you ever feel inadequate? Do you ever feel like you can’t help? Do you ever feel like you your too poor, dumb, young or old to really do anything for God or the world? The Lord wants you and me to know that whatever we have is enough for whatever He’s asked of us. […]

God’s Financial Fix

This may be one of the best kept secrets of all time. Even Christians seem oblivious to it’s existence. Hidden in one of the more boring books of the Old Testament there is a simple solution to handling debt and perhaps an even simpler solution to the problems of poverty and, that most elusive fix […]

Start Where You Are

As we begin the new year there is one piece of advice, one word, that God wants to set before us as a guiding light. It is not about a bigger vision or a larger hope. It is not about realizing our potential or finding the purpose of our lives. Without it, however, we will […]

Why Them?

The Christmas story as it’s told in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke have a mystery in them that leaves me in wonder. Why did God show the angel band to the shepherds? For that matter why did he choose the Wisemen from the East to see the star or Simeon to recognize baby Jesus […]

The Wait Before Christmas

Sitting with a family by the bedside of a young wife and mother as she lay helpless, waiting, longing, hoping for the arrival of word that there was a life saving organ available for transplant, I began to wonder what powerful anticipation must have gripped the Almighty as he waited for Christmas; waited for the […]

So, You Wan’na See God

As the Christmas season approaches our hearts, minds and energy turn toward celebrating the coming of Christ. It seems, however, that a clear view of Jesus is almost impossible to gain. The days and nights are so crowded and our attention is so divided that it’s difficult to focus on anything! So, if you want […]